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Write It Away Publishing
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Angela Jackson
Author ~ Mother ~Intercessor~ Motivator
Age 44
Oakley CA
Email: angela.mitchell79@yahoo.com
Facebook Page: The Well of Everlasting Water
Angela Jackson was born in the greater San Francisco Bay Area on March 25, 1973. She was raised in Daly City/ South San Francisco area. At the tender age of 12 years old, Angela was taken from her birth parents and placed into the foster care system due to sexual abuse at the hands of her father. Her mother could not help her due to the emotional dysfunctions she endured within the household. Angela’s first experience of being displaced was entering into a group home where she remained until her 18th birthday. At the age of 18, Angela became a single mother to her daughter.
During her years of growing up in the system, Angela did not have any goals or aspirations due to her experience of growing up in a broken home. From her upbringing and lack of a nurturing childhood, she sought love and acceptance in all the wrong places. By the age of 23, Angela gave birth to her son who was diagnosed with a chromosome disorder called “Partial Trisomy 13.” Angela became a single mother of two young children, one having a severe disability.
By 2012, Angela had twice attempted marriage unsuccessfully but soon learned that true love must first be found within and empty voids could only be healed by God. Although Angela had been saved since the age of 13, it wasn’t until April of 2016 that Angela was given the divine revelation that the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was her full portion, and the love she craved had always been there for her to accept and receive.
Today, Angela remains single but restored, whole, happy, and full of confidence and self-esteem. She has overcome the many obstacles that once stood in her way. Angela is very proud of her success as well as the success of her two beautiful children, who are both wonderful people inside and out.
It was through Jesus Christ that Angela’s life was turned around and her mess has now become the message that will be shared with many. As Romans 8:28 states, “And we know, all things work together for them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” (NJV). Angela’s goal in life is to spread a message of how great God’s everlasting love, forgiveness, and healing truly is. No matter your age, young or old, and no matter the crisis you may be facing, God remains seated on the throne.