Author Shamay Speaks Presents......
Write It Away Publishing
"Share your story & Become an Author"

Philicia Jones
Age 38
Antioch, Ca.
Author-Plus Size Model- Veteran- Role Model
Facebook-Philicia Jones Instagram-Simplysexxy124
Business email: Philicia.jones124@gmail.com
Philicia Jones BIO:
Philicia Jones Is the mother of three beautiful awesome children Philicia has
overcome childhood molestation by her mother's boyfriend who soon after
became her mother’s husband. She later became a teen mom at the age of 13. She never let things hold her back and she went on to get her GED and joined the Navy in 1997 to begin her career as a military woman. Philicia was faced with many obstacles and mental anguish in her life. She went on to become a plus-size model and is currently enrolled in school to get her bachelor's degree in financial management. Philicia experienced being molested and raped, becoming a young mother, being homeless, attempting suicide on many occasions, yet she is still here - dealing with her past and looking forward to her future. She's a strong, loving, and caring woman and lives for her children. She has learned in order to remain a good mom she has to put herself first in life. Philicia is ready for the journey that lies ahead of her. And by sharing her story, she hopes to give young ladies and older women the courage to come and voice their story and not hide. And if you have mental issues, she encourages you to talk about them to your children and to your family. Be involved and get better.