Author Shamay Speaks Presents......
Write It Away Publishing
"Share your story & Become an Author"

Tamela Sullivan
Age: 44
San Jose, CA
Co-Founder of InPowerment University-Mother-Event Planner-Speaker
Contact Information: Tamela04@gmail.com
Tamela was born in Oakland, CA, but raised in San Jose, CA. She is the youngest of 3 siblings and has many close friends in her life who she also calls her sisters. Tamela is a mother of two amazing children.
Tamela has a Bachelor of Science degree in Speech Communications from California State University Hayward, a Certification in Human Resources Management from University of California Santa Cruz and she is currently working on her Event Planning/Meeting Management Certification from San Francisco State University and she loves to give back to her community. She enjoys volunteering for non-profit organizations such as the Woman Battered Shelter and Family Giving Tree. She is an active volunteer for the Green Scholar Program, which helps enhance the awareness of STEM to African American Children.
Tamela Sullivan is the co-founder of INPowerment University where she helps woman and young girls find the beauty and talent within themselves to feel INPowered. Her passion for helping young woman and girls stems from her own growing pains along with the growing pains of her daughter and her daughter friends as she watched them transition from little girls to woman. Her passion also stemmed from her background as a Trainer at a local Credit Union. While training, she came across many women with similar growing pains as hers; such as being mentally abused by men, trying to please everyone except herself to becoming a mother at a young age. With the many obstacles Tamela has gone though, many people doubted her, making comments such as “she would never amount to anything, will she ever finish college, and will she end up a statistic. Tamela was determined to beat the odds against her and the only way she was able to do so, was by staying prayed up and keeping God first. She is sharing her story in a book compilation titled, “Breaking through Barriers, Volume 2.”
Tamela has many goals she will accomplish from sharing her story in this book, growing INPowerement University, motivational speaking, growing her event planning business, and opening a hall where people can rent to have joyous events. As you see, Tamela Sullivan has a love for her community and helping woman and young adults achieve their goals to take their dreams to the next level. One of her favorite bible verses is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me.”